Results From Last Week’s Survey

Welcome to a new Wildcard Wednesday! This week, I’m revealing the results of our recent survey. Thanks to all 231 of you who shared with me what shows you’d like to see here. I’ve now got a better idea of where we should go. Let me take you through it…

First, I was curious what decade my readers called their favorite for sitcoms. The top answer, with approximately 44% of the vote, was the 1970s. (That’s what I would have picked.) In second place was the 1960s with about 24%, and rounding out third was the 1990s at 14%. It was interesting to juxtapose these results against those for the second question, where I specifically asked which decade you wanted this blog to move into following Barney Miller. Staying in the ’70s was the most popular pick, but it was down to about 35%, because 25% want me to head onto the ’80s (even though only 5% of you call it your favorite). Based on your input, I have decided to stay in the ’70s for one more show, and then go into the ’80s.

When I asked which ’70s sitcom you most wanted to see here (from a handful of options), the winner, selected by 23% of you, was Laverne & Shirley. That is the show we’ll be examining after Barney Miller. Incidentally, the second most popular choice was Happy Days, with 17% of the vote, and while I don’t plan on spending 11 weeks discussing a second Garry Marshall series, I will share some thoughts about it in our Laverne & Shirley study. So, stay tuned for that…

I also asked if there was a show among those already featured that you’d like to see get full updated coverage. I mostly wanted to know this for the sake of future rerun possibilities, so it’s fine that a lot of you skipped this question. The most frequent answer, for the record, was I Love Lucy, which I’ve publicly said I would revisit as a bookend when this blog finally concludes.

Lastly, I asked you to give me three sitcoms — from any era — that you’d most like to see here. I got over 100 different answers — everything from The Goldbergs of 1949 to The Goldbergs of 2013 — and I’m taking them all under advisement (well, except for the dozen or so that we’ve already featured on Wildcard Wednesdays). However, there was really only one selection that stood out as a must-include. That’s Roseanne, which about 21% of you went out of your way to mention. So, that’s a show we’ll be working towards discussing in 2021. Stay tuned for more…

Thanks again to everyone who participated! I hope you enjoyed that episode of The Governor And J.J. As another token of appreciation, here’s an additional rarity. It’s a segment of The Debbie Reynolds Show, which I highlighted in a Potpourri piece a few months ago. This is the entry I singled out in that post, “You Bet Your Wife,” which was written by Ann Marcus & Joseph Bonaduce, directed by Ezra Stone, and first aired on November 25, 1969. Enjoy!



Come back next week for a new Wildcard! And stay tuned Monday for another musical rarity!

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